Thursday, August 15, 2013

Repeat of the 1933 Gold Confiscation?

Excerpts from article at mine web...

" there are many observers who belittle the probability of gold confiscation citing the reasons that precipitated the gold confiscation in the U.S. of 1933 as not applying today. And they are right. The deflation at that time and the banking crisis it precipitated was an entirely internal matter for the U.S.A. Today quantitative easing has done the same job inside nations. In the Eurozone similar policies have been followed attempting to ensure neither its member nations nor its banking systems collapse under its own credit crunch. The electronic printing press has expanded the money supply the same way that the devaluation of the dollar against gold did then. Critically, confidence in the euro or the dollar has not collapsed as badly as it did in 1933-35 and the young euro has survived well too.

Today the reasons for the confiscation of gold will be very different. Just dwell for a moment on why the concept of China and its citizens investing in gold so heavily. The Chinese support the state more so than any other nation we know of. We would expect such a confiscation there to be very effective in getting gold out of the people’s hands and into ‘official’ reserves. So why would a nation want gold for non-internal uses?

”... The key to today’s money value remains confidence. If the loss of confidence today spread to the U.S. dollar or even the Treasury market, then a new crisis would rupture, not just the U.S. monetary system but also the global monetary system.


Is that likely in the future? Well, why is China buying gold even more than India?

One of the lessons ‘the powers that be’ have learned is that it is a mistake to wait for a crisis to unfold before they act. For instance, some gold dealers believe that gold will only be confiscated once the dollar has collapse (as confidence collapsed in 1933). But there is no Federal government governing the world. Different nations in the global monetary system have to address a global currency crisis that targets individual national currencies in aglobal context. So an Indian Rupee will not find any nation or monetary body resolving their international currency credibility. They will have to convince the nations of the world that their currency does have the necessary “good assets” to retain their own currency credibility. As the OMFIF report pointed out, gold will serve a pivotal role in this regard....

In Part II we will look at when gold confiscation is likely to happen as well as just how large a force the emerging world will become in terms of global wealth and its presence in the global gold market.

Part III looks at what to expect in this structurally changing global monetary environment and just what you can do about keeping your gold then.

Julian Phillips is the founder

Read more.

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